Osama bin Laden was finally put down like the rabid animal that he was. I applaud and salute the efforts that this fine bit of intelligence-analysis and operational-expertise represents - especially to all those men and women whose jobs are so classified that we will never know their names. Thank you.
I believe that those who attack America should take this as an instructional moment. This bloody event is not a surprise to those of us who were born here. Deep down, Americans knew that once we identified the murdering jerk who sent his mindless and brainwashed minions to attack our people on 9-11 that we would kill him. No matter how long it took. No matter how much it cost. Because that's the kind of people we are.
Americans are the nicest bunch of people you could hope to met, generally speaking. But if you attack us in some kind of murderous sucker punch, then we will come after you like a robotic Terminator-dog with a drooling problem. You can run and you can hide. But all this will do for you in the long run is guarantee that you die tired and afraid. Just like OBL, may he enjoy his very own personal weenie-roast in Hades...
So future terrorists, take note. Once you poke the American bear - you're dead meat. You'd better have your house in order. Because those pleasant folks in the USA won't stop until you have paid for what you have done. It's a given over here - a part of who we are.
You may tell me, "You're crazy!" To which, I reply, "That's right. And don't you forget it..."
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