Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Cute Aliens

Women are a totally different species from men.  This may seem like a bold thing to say, but once this statement is accepted and internalized, it makes for better relationships. 

When you admit and truly believe that your significant other isn't merely incomprehensible at times, but is in fact, a totally different form of life - your perspective and expectations will change for the better. Outside of ridiculous sci-fi TV shows, should aliens land on Earth, no one expects creatures from another world to:
  • A) look like we do,
  • B) function the same way biologically,
  • or C) think the same way we do.
And yet, it is all too common to expect that our girlfriend or spouse will act and think the same way we do despite the wildly different biological, neuro-chemical, and psychological differences that exist between the sexes.  Obviously we all are aware of the first item.  (Vive la différence!)   But it's easy to ignore or overlook the next two items in this list.  Shifting our mindset to see the opposite sex as different in the extreme will help any relationship.  Unreasonable exceptions will go away and cause less tension.

She will never enjoy activities in the exact way you do, because she's an alien.  He will never see things the same way you do, because he's an alien.  She can't see problems and their obvious solutions, because they aren't obvious to her alien mindset.  His communication is bizarre, but that is how his species has always done it.  And that's all OK!  The external physical differences that make us so attractive to each other can be expanded to include all the differences we have.

Revel in the diversity!

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