Friday, February 4, 2011

How to Fight Stealth Jihad

Each of us needs to stand up for our country and our way of life.  There are forces at work that want nothing less than the total destruction of the liberties and freedoms we love so well.  The enemy is not standing clearly in the light for all to see, but is instead slinking through the shadows, avoiding attention as much as possible, and throwing out red herrings at every opportunity.  I'm talking about the sticky spread of Creeping Shari'a and the continuing assaults of Stealth Jihad.  I think first we should define both of these terms.

Creeping Shari'a is the method of slowly substituting the laws of a country for those of Shari'a.  The results are easy to see in many European nations as their populations are beginning to find themselves living in a country that applies Islamic religious law to non-Muslims.  The same sorts of things are being attempted here, but with less success so far.  Here are a couple of links to some recent results of Creeping Shari'a in Norway and Denmark.

Stealth Jihad is the preferred method of attack being used against America and many of the European democracies today.  Instead of physical violence and attacks, the culture itself is undermined and weakened using the freedoms that are present within it.  Once a nation so targeted is weak enough, the destruction of the infidel (that's us, by the way) can take place through more conventional methods.  But don't take my word for it - this is how Mohamed Akram of the Muslim Brotherhood defines this plan in chapter 4 of his book, Explanatory Memorandum: On the General Strategic Goal for the Group,
"The process of settlement is a 'Civilization-Jihadist Process' with all the word means. The Ikhwan [Muslim Brotherhood] must understand that their work in America is a kind of grand Jihad in eliminating and destroying the Western civilization from within and 'sabotaging' its miserable house by their hands and the hands of the believers so that it is eliminated..."
   (Translated from Arabic.)
Clearly we face opponents that are serious about wrecking our culture and us as a people.  Luckily, Americans do not sit around and take this kind of threat meekly - we fight!  And therein lies our opportunity.  Right now the conflict that is on-going in this country is a cold war (lots of talk and political maneuvering, but no bullets are flying), but if we wait until they feel their strategy has weakened us it will turn into a hot war.  There is no question in my mind as to which type of war I'd prefer to fight on American soil!  To win the war while it is still cold, we need to fight smart.

In order to fight smart, we must have more than raw courage and anger over this unwarranted aggression - we must know who we need to resist, what we need to resist, why we need to resist, how we can resist effectively, and when will we know that the fight is over.  Let's talk about each of these requirements and get our game face on!

Who do we need to resist?
First and foremost we need to identify those we are going to have to resist.  And the answer is NOT Muslims as a whole.  I believe that the majority of Muslims in this country have fallen in love with the concept of America and it has softened and matured their religious beliefs to be far more tolerant.  Let's call these assimilated Muslims 'moderates'.  Many do not stand up and criticize their radical Muslim peers in public for the simple reason that it is still quite dangerous for them to do so.

Attacking any or all of the Muslims who love to live here is the stupidest thing we could do - it would be the exact opposite direction we need to take.  In order to win, we need to help the radical Muslims who are pushing for our destruction to mellow out and see things the way the moderates do.  Attacking moderate Muslims would be helping the enemy.

What do we need to resist?
As for what we need to fight, I explained in my last article about Radical Islam that the first step to resisting something is to know what it is.  You can't fight an invisible man, but if you educate yourself about the threat (by using IR goggles or a can of paint, perhaps), you can clearly see what he is doing and then fight him.  There is a ton of information out there about the Muslim faith, Shari'a Law, and Jihad in all its forms.  Take a moment to read up on some of this information from a wide variety of sources.  Make up your own mind.  It's the only way you will have the fortitude to face off with the foe; you can't rely on someone else's opinion.

While educating yourself, it is important that you identify those areas of Islam that are totally unacceptable because they impact you (not just the areas that you feel are wrong - that's a difference of belief).  Those aspects of the ideology that impact non-participants in the ideology - and those alone - are what we must fight against.  Another way I like to define this is that I will actively resist any aspect of their faith that makes it impossible for me to live and worship the way I want to.  They can do whatever they wish in their religion - but leave me out of it.  And in return, I offer them the same deal.  I don't tell them what they can't do or impinge on their rights.  Sounds fair, doesn't it?  That's because it is fair.  In fact, it's the American way!

This fight is NOT against a religion - just some of the applications of a religion as it impacts those of us who don't subscribe to it.  Frankly, any person or group that wants to kill me or turn me into a slave is going to have a problem - I'll fight anyone who tries to do that.

Why do we need to resist?
Besides the fact that they are attacking us, why do we need to be the ones resisting?  Why us?  Isn't it someone else's job to fight - like the military, politicians, or journalists?  The bottom line is that while it is a cold war it is our job to do everything we can to stop the conflict because otherwise it will turn hot and a lot of folks will die.  We need to resist now, so our friends or our children don't die in some godforsaken battlefield somewhere.  Good enough reason for me.

The big reason we need to fight, beyond simple self-defense, is that Shari'a Law runs counter to the Constitution of this country on an almost point-by-point basis.  Here are a few of the areas of our law that the implementation of Shari'a Law would nullify completely:
All of Article 1.
Article 1 - Section 8.
Article 2 - Section 1.
Article 2 - Section 4.
All of Article 6.
1st Amendment.
2nd Amendment.
4th Amendment.
5th Amendment.
6th Amendment.
7th Amendment.
8th Amendment.
13th Amendment.
14th Amendment.
19th Amendment.
21st Amendment.
(Legislative powers.)
(Power to declare war.)
(Qualifications of President)
(Removal of officers for wrong-doing.)
(Legal authority.)
(Freedom of religion, speech, press, assembly, and petition.)
(Right to bear arms.)
(Search and seizure.)
(Trials, punishment, and compensation.)
(Speedy trails and the requirements of witnesses.)
(Trial by jury.)
(Cruel and unusual punishment.)
(Slavery abolished.)
(Rights of citizens.)
(Women's suffrage.)
(Legality of alcoholic beverages.)

Do some research for yourself to see the specifics as to how the law of America differs from that of Shari'a.  I guarantee you won't like what you find.  Imagine how our lives would be different just without the laws and protections listed above.  It's not pretty, is it?  I wouldn't want to live in a place like that and I can tell you why: I don't like being told what to do.  I love our Constitution because it keeps other people from lording over us and that allows each one of us live the way we want to.  Our country is based on freedoms that tyrants have always and will always want to take away from us.  That's why we have fought wars in the past (both cold and hot) and that's why we must fight now.

The biggest problem I have with Shari'a is the unbelievable level of intolerance and bigotry it contains.  The strict adherence to Shari'a would led to the death or enslavement of all non-believers (some of the slaving currently going on in Sudan is the result of applying this religious requirement by the local Muslims).  Death or slavery: Those are the only two options for Kafir (unbelievers)!  And for some people, depending on what faith you practice, there is only the option of death under Shari'a Law.  There is no question that the establishment of Shari'a Law in this country is something we have both the moral and the ethical duty to fight.

How can we resist effectively?
In order to effectively fight against both Creeping Shari'a and Stealth Jihad we must realize that it is within our power to make a difference.  Perhaps not a large one, but over time, and with thousands of us being aware and resisting, it will be felt.  There are five methods we can use to fight against this threat: 1) Call things by their real names, 2) Declare Shari'a as un-American, 3) Repel attacks made on our culture, 4) Support moderate Muslims whenever we can, and 5) Have a good, old-fashioned, American 'can-do!' attitude.

1) Call things by their real names.  The biggest tool that those who wage Stealth Jihad use is this: They don't call things by their real names.  They use our own tolerance and sensitivity to things that are important and even sacred against us.  Anytime one of the nasty aspects of their totalitarian ideology is revealed they declare that their feelings have been hurt or that they have been insulted or they laugh it off without any excuse.  They worm around or are completely silent about aspects of their faith that are unacceptable and many people, in the interests of being broad-minded, let them get away with it.  This must not go on.  Learn the names of things and call them what they are.  To their face.  To the faces of those who would excuse them.  Every time.

2) Declare Shari'a as un-American.  Our country is what her laws and rights make it.  Shari'a would break many of our most cherished freedoms and America would be no more as a result.  By definition then, Shari'a Law is un-American Law - the opposite of what America stands for.  There is no acceptable justification or rationalization for the removal of our core freedoms.  If someone says "What's the big deal over Shari'a?" we must not let that question pass unanswered - at every opportunity we must declare firmly that Shari'a Law is totally unacceptable in America.  We must have enough personally learned information as to why we believe this is so and be ready to share it.  Every time.

3) Repel attacks made on our culture.  Anytime someone attacks our country, we must defend her verbally.  We may have our problems here, but Shari'a is not the answer for any of them.  America is the most exceptional country on Earth, by any meaningful measure.  Our enemies know this and they want us to die a death of a thousand little cuts.  Do not let even the smallest nick stand.  Defend what is good and best about our culture, understanding that some evil results because of the very freedoms which give us so much power over ourselves.  No matter what, we are worth defending, and must do so.  Every time.

4) Support moderate Muslims whenever we can.  Any laws, diplomatic gestures, or private trends that reward moderate Muslims for their tolerance and acceptance of those with different beliefs should be supported by us.  Heck, we should be going way out of our comfort zones to make Muslims want to assimilate into the sweet, sweet culture of tolerance that makes America so awesome.  In all your discussions, make sure you separate what you feel is totally unacceptable about Shari'a from the people who practice Islam.  They are not the same.  Those Muslims who are brave enough to stand up for their rights as Americans need every drop of support we can offer.  Every time.

5) Have a good, old-fashioned, American 'can-do!' attitude.  Morale, history has shown us, can have an enormous impact on the chances of victory.  We need to display a good attitude and express the belief, in word and in deed, that we know victory will be ours.  We know it.  There is no other possible outcome.  Victory is always possible, no matter how many setbacks we experience or how often we stumble, because we were born free.  The blood of generations of free men and women flows in our veins and that strength can not be forgotten.  It will not go away conveniently.  We need to stand boldly and say to our foes, as my Grandfather did once, "Come on!  Come on, you SOBs!  If I'm gonna die, I'm gonna to take most of you with me!  And which one of you is gonna be first!?"  Because when we do this, when we have this outward expression and countenance of victory then our enemies will pause - and perhaps flee.  That's what happened to my Grandfather.  He didn't have to hurt anybody after he said that - they ran off.  So show pride in yourself and in our collective culture.  Every time!

When will the fight be over?
For any plan to succeed, you have to know when you are done.  That's what defines what success is.  We can stop fighting against Creeping Shari'a and Stealth Jihad when three things have happened: 1) Widespread understanding of the threat that Shari'a Law is to our civilization, 2) Tolerance and acceptance on the part of Muslims of others beliefs, and 3) Universal condemnation by the Muslim community and leadership of radical or militant Muslims.  These are our goals.

1) Widespread understanding of the threat that Shari'a Law is to our civilization.  Far too many people have no idea that we are under attack.  This weak point in our national and cultural defense must be shored up.  The only way for that to happen is if most Americans understand what the threat is and when they hear the words, "Shari'a Law," they immediately say, "Unacceptable in America".

2) Tolerance and acceptance on the part of Muslims of others beliefs.  These are fairly alien and rare concepts worldwide, but at least for those Muslims who call America their home, we need to have a climate or a sect that is tolerant and accepts other citizens no matter what they believe or what they don't.  The kind of crazy crap you see in these pictures has to stop.  It's not the way sane Americans or people anywhere act who want to be taken seriously - and that's what we want: more sanity.

3) Universal condemnation by the Muslim community and leadership of radical or militant Muslims.  Right now there is a lot of token condemnation of improper behavior, but it's paper-thin and the words never reach so far as to become actions.  When the leader of a community says how sad they are that an act of violent Jihad has occurred, it's really difficult to believe it, because the people in the community are dancing in the streets.  There's a disconnect there.  So long as the Muslim leadership uses the Shari'a principle of Taqiyya which encourages them to lie to the unbelievers, it's going to be hard to trust them.

I hope that we will all become a bit more aware and be a bit more open about our love of the country and the God-given freedoms it protects.  Even if each of us will use this information in only one conversation, it will be a step in the right direction.  America is the pinnacle of civilization on this planet.  It may suck sometimes and in some areas fail to live up to it's own ideals, but it is still the best game in town.  As Winston Churchill said, "Democracy is the worst form of government, except for all those others that have been tried."

I hope and pray for an environment of tolerance and of brotherly love.  A country and, yes, even a world where we can all live in harmony - despite our differences.  It is an idealist dream, I confess.  But such a wonderful one!  Regardless of how we got here or where we're going, the world we live in is the vehicle for forward motion for us as human beings.  If Muslims want a place in the civilized world then they must be civilized themselves.  It's that simple.  That's all we're asking for.  Let's go get it!

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