Friday, September 24, 2010

How to Handle Hecklers

I relate poorly with most humans.  I've been this way for my whole life, but it wasn't until I got married and Tiffany started to show me things about myself that I had a glimmer that it was a problem.  Now I find myself in the unenviable position of seeing the lack, but not having a full skill-set to adjust my day-to-day thinking.
Since I am now partially aware of this flaw, I am constantly on the look-out to better myself.  Here are today's tips that I am repeating as a mantra, on one of my Back-Burner ProcessorsTM, for dealing with people (even if it's the man in the mirror I'm talking to) who want to disrupt my flow and/or presentations:
  1. Approach the person(s) in a confident manner.
  2. Make and do not lose eye contact.
  3. Be direct, but do not talk down to them.
  4. Take and maintain control of the situation.
  5. Do not engage in a shouting match.
  6. Remain in charge.
  7. Repeat their words when responding.
  8. When finished let them know the conversation is over and they have two choices – leave or sit down and listen.
If I can just internalize this kind of thing, one day I'll be able to not embarrass myself so badly.  Okay, that's not entirely honest...  Mostly I don't want to embarrass my wife - I still don't care that much!

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